This is every color of Lego ever produced and placed into a chart by James Moody. There are 182 total. 

This is every color of Lego ever produced and placed into a chart by James Moody. There are 182 total. 

Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.
— Diane Ackerman

Are you the next Bob the Builder? Click here to find out.

The Kids' Science Challenge

The Kids' Science Challenge is chock full of inspiring videos, fun games, and downloadable hands-on science activities. Our Science Careers pages provides resources for future scientists from elementary through college. The Kids' Science Challenge is a project of Jim Metzner Productions, Inc. and made possible by the National Science Foundation. 

Pick apples with Curious George in this great numbers game.

The Math Playground

 The Math Playground has tons of fun math games and puzzles for kids from Kindergarten to 8th grade, including some tools and games to help with precal.

This wacky puzzle game will keep you creating different mazes for hours.


Griddlers is a website full of logic puzzles similar to sudoku, but when the puzzle is done, it reveals a picture.